Oculoplastic Academy

Oculoplasty Video Resources
The oculoplastic academy website is getting a makeover in 2021: completely rewritten, it has been simplified with a new interface and a content enriched with numerous videos.

The aim is still to share experiences in the form of very practical videos, corresponding to real-life situations, or surgical techniques developed thanks to the cumulative experience of thousands of operations.

The classification of the videos has been segmented so as to easily find the subject or subjects which concern you. The format of the videos is short except for those classified as "conferences" which correspond to more global presentations.

This site is produced and maintained on a voluntary basis, we are committed to this independence and therefore do not receive any subsidy or participation from health actors (laboratories, clinics, supervisory bodies etc.).

A fee of 25 € is charged for a one-year access to cover the costs of running the site. This sum is to be seen as a participation in solidarity to support a sharing initiative.

In the same spirit, we have chosen not to degrade the quality of the videos to avoid screen copies, counting on you to make good use of the site.

So, if our concept appeals to you, do not hesitate to register and to send us the subjects you would like to see covered in future videos. test

Dr Pierre Escalas
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